Precious lessons from her life
Created by Kah Thuan & Maylee 11 years ago
Besides The Lord, who are the people whom you feel have played a big part in your ministry? This was one of the question posed to me for an article In CCIL's 50 Anniversary magazine. My reply was...several people and one of them is...
Dr. Lillian Pang:
"When I joined the church as a worker, I was only in my late twenties with no experience whatsoever. But Dr. Pang even then, despite her seniority not just in age but also in status, always gave me due respect, this she did also to her parents. I was both touched and moved by her example. She kindly allowed me to use her car when I was a learner! A great friend and encourager throughout my ministry."
Indeed, I thank God for using her to teach us precious lessons, including some Dos and Don'ts on eternally young, free and joyful in His Presence.
Kah Thuan & Maylee